Action: Meet with Instructors and TAs from Courses Regularly

Action: Meet with Instructors and TAs from Courses Regularly

The course work that is part of the MDes Inclusive Design program creates opportunities to build relationships between myself and the instructors and TAs from each course, within the context of the course material. To take full advantage of these opportunities, I must ensure that I am engaging with the course material enough to consistently have topics relevant to the course to discuss, and be prepared to relate to the topic of my MRP and / or broader career goals whenever possible. As long as it is relevant to the course, I can pursue regular contact and discussions with important sources of mentorship and advising, in addition to improving my performance in the courses.

What will I do to achieve this?

  • Determine when each instructor and / or TA’s office hours are held, and plan my time in order to be available to attend.
    • Progress: Met with Peter Coppin on Dec. 13th at 2:00pm, discussed overlaps between Lab 1 project and MRP topic, plans for potential advising starting in Winter 2022 semester
  • Pursue deep engagement with course material and prepare thoughts and / or questions to ask to ground my discussions within the context of the courses.
  • Analyze the course content and activities for opportunities to relate them to my MRP and / or career goals, and use these opportunities to connect meaningfully with instructors and TAs in office hours.

Which goals will this action help me accomplish?

What resource(s) will I need to be successful?

This is an action that mainly demands time, both in order to be available for office hour meetings, but also to ensure that I have engaged with course material sufficiently to come to office hour meetings with an abundance of material to discuss and potentially relate to a bigger picture.

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