Action: Plan Research Design for MRP and Seek Feedback

Action: Plan Research Design for MRP and Seek Feedback

What will I do to achieve this?

  • Continue refining my research proposal and seeking feedback until it is specific and grounded enough to propose to the Research Ethics Board
  • Seek out potential case studies for research designs that share desired qualities with my own planned study and consider the implications from the studies’ results
  • Connect with potential participants and develop a concrete understanding of what role(s) data representations play in their lives currently, and what speculative futures exist involving them with which participants agree are important
  • Build relationships with peers and potential advisors, communicate my plans to them, and take their recommendations related to the research design into consideration to develop it into its most ideal form
  • Look for opportunities to align the ideas of my planned MRP study with course projects that have open topic options, and use the course project(s) as trials for the research design in an appropriate capacity

Which goals/related actions will this action help me accomplish?

What resource(s) will I need to be successful?

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